Thursday, December 29, 2011

From West Monroe LA to Weatherford TX 12/29/11

After the standard breakfast fare of hard boiled eggs, toast, peanut butter and an apple (the hotels provide breakfast usually) we set off from West Monroe LA.  The air was polluted from a nearby chemical plant, and the water was not drinkable.  The coffee somehow tasted great, though.

 We (I) set the cruise speed at 80 (that's what did all though Mississippi; no police ever took note), turned on NPR (which is a treat when we can get it).  Herb, with all his careful map planning estimated a 5 1/2 hour driving day.  The roads are completely flat with swampy and deforested areas on either side of us.  The air is hazy.

We were discussing the environmental issues that seemed to be different in each state when I WHIZZED by a statie sitting in his white car up above the road.  I just gave up when I saw the flashing light and pulled over.  He had such a swagger and an accent and a sweet face that I knew that he wouldn't haul me into court.  "LICENSE AND REGISTRATION PLEASE"

You have to understand how full this car is.  Everything takes a specific very tight space.  We need two of us to pack it every single morning so that the skis fit under the books and the duffel bags fit between the two bicycles.  There are flattened bags of clothes, helmets, tennis racquets, ski boots, books, maps, fruit snacks, 2 bags of dark chocolate Lindt balls, computer, cords, camera, ipad, cables.

I COULD NOT FIND MY PURSE.  We are on a major super highway, the state trooper had no sympathy.  He just stood with arms akimbo and stared as I pulled everything out. The skis clattered to the road, Lindt chocolate ball bag fell open and spilled onto the grass......No purse......I pulled all my clothes out of the duffel bag.  Things that I wouldn't even want Herb to see!All over the grass.

Finally Herb found my purse under the front seat, and he gave us a ticket with a comment that he'd never seen so much stuff piled into one car.  (PAHLD IN WAN CAO MAAM)

Herb took over the driving then for most of the day.  I was a bit traumatized!  We noticed a big difference in our surroundings as we passed from Louisiana into Texas.  Why is it that all we've seen in LA. has been clear cutting and ragged areas of swamp with stubs of trees?  We've seen little else except blast furnaces from nearby chemical plants.  It seems that it is a poor state.  I asked why we don't have chemical plants and coal mining in the Northeast.  He thinks that those companies do their work in poorer states where people just accept it.  (Just a thought based on driving through for one day only)

Shortly before lunch time we entered Texas.  The scenery was lovely, some rolling hills, long views.  BIG trucks everywhere.  Lots of cowboy hats.  Extremely friendly people.  The McDonalds prosper here.

Herb found Tyler State Park for our noon breakaway hike.  Some days the walk has had to be many times around a McDonald's parking lot.  But today was lovely.  Huge park with vegetation exactly like Cape Cod.  Scruffy pines, sandy soil, some ivy and the sun shining brightly through the trees.   Getting back on the highway we noticed a sign by a house:

Interesting day with easy driving.  VERY courteous drivers.  We're heading up towards Carlsbad Caverns

Herb's comment about the pollution, the chemicals, the smoke, the smog, the deforestation, the miles and miles of huge houses that look all the same.  (Just green anywhere around these developments yet)  "Well Ellen, you don't have to like it.....At least you've SEEN it!"


  1. Funniest blog entry about the ticket. Your probation officer sister sees the word summons on that ticket and is thinking you'd better turn around to answer it lest they cite you for interstate fugitivity!!! Ha!

  2. Aunt Mira, I thought the same thing! Pay that fine, Elzo. And don't forget that, unlike every other state in our great nation, Louisiana is on the civil system. Who knows what's going on in their courts! These blog posts are just great, Ellen! Looks like you have figured out a way to reorganize your post so that all the photos are not at the top, but I will send you an email with steps just in case. I tried to fix them myself; even though I am an author, blogger would not let me edit posts you had already "published."
